The "Daily Hours" program that just about any employee can benefit from. It eliminates the need to convert hours and minutes, as logged on a timecard, to compute the total hours for a day. A subroutine in the program interprets the fractional part of a number entered as minutes: 5.30 = 5:30 am. The 30 is converted to a decimal fraction, .5 in this case.
To differenciate between morning and afternoon times the time-of-day must be entered using the 24 hour clock (military time). The rule is simply "add 12 hours to anytime greater than or equal to 1:00 in the afternoon. Therefore 1:00pm becomes 13.00 (actually 1300 - pronounced thirteen-hundred). 5:30pm would be 17.30.
There are usually four key times during the day. Starting time, lunch time, return from lunch, and "Power down" (end of day). You are prompted for each of these as the program runs. If a day has no lunch break (half day?) use the Starting time and lunch begin entries, when prompted for the return from lunch time enter a 0 (zero) and the calculation will complete without prompting for the end of day.
As each day is completed the calculator will be in Pause mode and the total hours for the day will be displayed. If you only have one day to compute click the Stop button or press command-period. If you have additional days click Continue or press the Enter key to enter times for the following day. The total for all days is summed into memory 9. After all daily times have been recorded press Rcl (Recall) 9 to retreive the total hours for all days entered. A backup copy of the daily total is saved in memory 8 just in case you forget to write it down first.
Before running this program you should initialize memory location 9 to 0 (zero). Typically you will use the CLRMEM button or press shift-option-clear or shift-option-~ to clear all memory locations.